What should I do if I’m ill?

When it comes to your health, we are your reliable partner. Below you will find everything you need to know about what to do if you fall ill. To make sure you are always in good hands and are fighting fit again soon.

Important emergency numbers

Fire and ambulance service
112 (in the event of a serious accident, cardiovascular pain (heart attack) and collapse, shortness of breath, uncon- sciousness, paralysis, stroke, poisoning and burns, acute pain)

Emergency medical service
116 117 (for medical advice at the weekend or outside of office hours)

Emergency poison centre
030 192 40

When should I go to a GP and when to a hospital?

In general, the following applies: if your symptoms are not life-threatening, you should go to a GP surgery. There, you will be examined by a resident doctor (outpatient care). If you want to see a doctor, it is best to call to make an appointment beforehand. If your condition is more serious or you require a procedure or treatment that cannot be done in a GP surgery, you will be referred to a hospital (inpatient care). In case of emergency, call the emergency services on 112. An ambulance will arrive in a few minutes to take you to the nearest hospital.

What is a Hausarzt or Hausärztin in Germany?

Most people have a specific doctor as their first point of contact if they feel unwell. This is their Hausarzt/Haus- ärztin, or family doctor or general practitioner (GP) in English. You can tell them about your symptoms and dis- cuss medicines or therapies. Often, a close and trusting relationship is formed with this doctor, which is crucial for keeping you healthy. For some symptoms and illnesses, your GP will refer you to a specialist doctor. They will give you a special referral letter for this, known as an Überweisung.

What is a Facharzt or Fachärztin in Germany?

A Facharzt/Fachärztin is a specialist doctor who has spe- cific training in a given medical field, such as cardiology, gynaecology or urology. You will need a referral letter from your GP in order to see certain specialists.

When do I need an appointment?

You usually need to make an appointment to see a GP. This makes it easier for the medical team to organise the practice and ensure that your doctor has more time for you.

Do you need medical assistance but there are no appointments left?

Appointment service center: your additional service from Audi BKK

Our nationwide appointment service centers are on hand to make appointments for you with GPs, paediatricians and specialists in reasonable reach of your home with- in one week. The service centers can arrange acute psy- chotherapeutic treatment within two weeks. They can also arrange initial consultations (psychotherapeutic consultations) and therapy sessions. The patient service can also refer you to out-of-hours medical assistance if required. This service is for medical conditions for which you would normally make an appointment with your GP during practice hours. The telephone number is: 116 117 (without area code). For more information, please visit www.116117.de

How do I get a sick note?

If you become very unwell and are unable to work, your GP will give you a certificate to confirm that you are unfit to work (known as an AU or Krankmeldung). This certificate will have three pages. You need to submit the first page directly to your employer and the second to your health insurance provider. The third is for your own files – each page is clearly marked with details of who receives it. Your diagnosis is subject to data protection regulations and is not communicated to your employer.

You must always call your employer immediately to report an absence to due illness. Some employers will ask for an AU from the second or third day of illness, while others will expect one on the first day of absence. You must notify your employer immediately if a doctor signs you off due to illness.

What is an electronic health card (elektronische Gesundheitskarte or eGK)?
AudiBKK elektronische Gesundheitskarte
AudiBKK elektronische Gesundheitskarte

The eGK is your personalised health insurance card, which you receive from your health insurance provider. The chip card is the same size as a bank card and has your photo on it. It is your proof of insurance and also serves as a settle- ment tool for the medical services you use. In other words, it acts a type of interface between you, your doctor and your health insurance provider. You must present this card in order to access any type of medical care. The eGK contains all of the insurant’s details (name, date of birth, address, gender, health insurance provider and insurance number), which are then read every time you visit a doctor or hospital. There are plans to include important medical information on the card, too, such as emergency contact details and medication plans. The European Health Insurance Card, or EHIC for short, is on the back of the eGK. You can use this to access medical assistance when travelling in other European countries. The EHIC is valid in all European Union Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

What is the difference between settling medical services with the eGK and a private invoice?

Your doctor will use your eGK to claim the costs of your treatment from your health insurance provider. You will not receive an invoice and will not be asked to settle any other costs – providing that the service you accessed is in- cluded in the catalogue of services issued by your statutory health insurance fund. If this is not the case, your doctor will let you know beforehand. You must expressly agree to the corresponding treatment. Afterwards, you will receive a private invoice to pay yourself, which will not be refunded by your health insurance.

What are sickness benefits?

Has your doctor signed you off due to illness? With Audi BKK, you are in good hands. If a doctor declares you unfit to work or you require inpatient hospital treatment, you will receive sickness benefits from us to give you financial peace of mind. You will usually receive the payment from the seventh week of your incapacity to work. The amount of sickness benefit you receive is based on 70 per cent of your gross earnings and max. 90 per cent of your net salary. You are exempt from paying contributions to Audi BKK during the period in which you receive sickness benefit.

What is child sickness benefit?

Your child is unwell and you need to stay off work to look after them. What now? In this case, you are protected by child sickness benefit. Each parent is entitled to take up to ten working days off work per child, per calendar year and receive child sickness benefit for the same period. Single parents are entitled to the full 20 working days per child, per calendar year. If you have several children, you may take 25 working days, or 50 as a single parent, per calendar year. The amount of child sickness benefit is regulated by law at 90 per cent of your net earnings. Child sickness benefit is subject to a maximum limit of 116,38 euros per day (in 2023). This benefit is included in your health insurance at no extra cost.

The easy way to find doctors and hospitals

Whether you’re looking for the right hospital, GP or care service, we are here to help with any difficult decisions you have to make. Our HealthFinder provides you with the assistance you need in just a few clicks. It offers a wide range of information, from the addresses of hospitals, medical practices and care services to de- tails on areas of specialisation and available facilities:

All about healthcare abroad

Tip: Although the EHIC covers many medical services, it does not pay for repatriation to Germany. If you would like to extend your insurance cover, Audi BKK offers attractive supplementary insurance through its partner.

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