How can we help you?

Welcome to Audi BKK

Life presents us with new challenges every day. Our task in this is clear: to support your health with effective services. That’s why we offer you more than the legally stipulated catalogue of services: health, fitness, preventative care provisions, programmes for mother and child, and a wide range of digital solutions, all with individual service. What’s more, this is at an attractive contribution rate of 15,6 per cent in 2024, which is cheaper than the average rate of all statutory health insurance providers.


Your benefits at Audi BKK

  • Audi BKK offers you an individual contact
  • With the Audi BKK bonus program AktivFit, you can get reimbursement of up to €120, as well as up to €200 from GesundheitExtra.
  • Audi BKK supports prevention courses with up to €100 per course for a maximum of two courses per year
  • Audi BKK offers a special health week called "Gesundheitswoche" supported with €200.
  • We assume the full cost of all travel vaccinations recommended by the German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), including the medical expenses.
  • Audi BKK pays for household help, if the person who is usually responsible for the housekeeping gets ill.
  • Audi BKK offers prevention programs for mothers and children.
  • Audi BKK covers a medical health information line+49 800 2834255 (free within Germany).
  • Audi BKKonline branch is here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
  • Audi BKK offers additional options: premium payment.
  • Audi BKK offers attractive supplementary insurances - individual and low-priced.
  • Audi BKK pays a subsidy of €13 per day for outpatient preventative care (spa therapy).
  • overseas emergency service+49 841-887-777 worldwide

The German insurance system

Statutory health insurance

The German social insurance system consists of four main components: statutory health insurance, statutory long-term care insurance, social pension insurance and statutory unemployment insurance. This is an introduction to the German social insurance system.

The general mandatory healthcare insurance applies to all people living in Germany, regardless of the profession or group of people.
In the statutory health insurance are insured (to name just a few):

  • employees with a gross salary of less than €5.775,00 per month (as of 2024)
  • recipients of unemployment benefits
  • students in public universities
  • pensioners

Certain other categories of persons like public officials, self employed persons or freelancers are referred to the system of private health insurance (see below) or are free to choose among those two systems.

To a large extent, statutory health insurance is financed by the contributions of its members. The contribution rate policyholders must pay for receiving benefits to maintain, restore or improve their state of health is calculated as a percentage of their gross salary.

All contributions are paid into a healthcare fund, which redistributes the money to the health insurers according to their different client profiles.

Statutory health insurance companies which do not receive enough money from the healthcare fund can require an auxiliary contribution of their members.

The basic contribution rate as of 2024 amounts to 14.6% of gross salary. From 1 January 2024 Audi BKK requires an additional auxiliary contribution of only 1.00% (employee: 7.3%, employer: 7.3%).
Compared to other insurance companies, Audi BKK keeps the contribution rates below-average. Contributions are calculated up to €5.175.00 per month.

Two different health insurance systems in Germany

  • Statutory health insurance is regulated by the German state. Spouse and children can get co-insured under statutory insurance free of charge.
  • Private health insurance plans can only be accessed in certain cases, for example, if one´s salary exceeds a certain amount (2024: €69.300 per year). Under private insurance, each family member is insured separately.

Contributions to a private health insurance plan depend on one´s age and risk profile, and thus state of health. Therefore, people with a poor risk profile will face worse insurance conditions than those that are a “good risk”.
Consequently, each person should compare the pros and cons of both systems thoroughly.

The employees of Audi BKK will gladly help you.

How to receive medical treatment under statutory health insurance:

In case of illness, you can get open access and medical help free of charge by presenting your insurance card at each physician or hospital visit.

Specific features of Audi BKKAudi BKK offers all the benefits of statutory health insurance. Your needs and wishes are our main concern.

Statutory long-term care insurance

The acquisition of statutory long-term care insurance is mandatory for all health insured persons. This insurance branch covers costs for long-term care which might arise from accidents, diseases or for reasons of age.

Long-term care insurance is linked to your health insurance and therefore taken out at the same company.

The rate of contribution is uniform throughout Germany. Contributions to long-term care insurance amount to 3.4% of one’s gross income. The contributions are split 50-50 between employer and employee and are deducted from one’s salary. Childless individuals must pay an additional 0.6% from the age of 23 onwards.

Contributions are only calculated up to €5.175,00 per month (as of 2024).

Social pension insurance

Social pension insurance ensures the payment of pensions. All employees have to contribute to the national pension insurance system.

In 2024, contributions amount to 18.6% of the gross income up to an upper limit of €7.450 (€7.550 in the eastern states of Germany) and are split 50-50 between employer and employee.

Statutory unemployment insurance

It is every employee’s duty in Germany to participate in the statutory unemployment insurance system.

Per month, 2.6% of one’s gross income up to a maximum of €7.550 (€7.450 in the eastern states of Germany) is paid as contributions (as of 2024). The overall contributions are split 50-50 between employer and employee.

German Red Cross short films

The German Red Cross (GRC) provides you with short films on important health and healthcare issues in Germany.

watch now


Take care of yourself and your health – and benefit from regular, free preventive examinations. This way, you can make an active contribution to the early detection of disease risks.

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Supplementary insurance

Health insurance from Audi BKK already provides you with comprehensive protection. However, if there are certain additional services going beyond statutory health insurance that you would like to take advantage of, you can purchase a supplementary private insurance policy.

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Digital services for your health

In life, we are constantly faced with new challenges to overcome. Some require a lot of energy. Then, being able to rely on your strength and health is the most important good and we are by your side to help.

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Working in Germany

You have taken the big step and decided to work in Germany. It’s an exciting time, but perhaps you also have some uncertainties and questions. While we don’t have an answer for everything, one thing is certain: when it comes to health, we are here to help, listen and support you and your well-being through our wide range of services and provisions.

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